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Amigaguide Document
272 lines
@database hangman_help
Hangman V1.3 (c) 1993 Arun Kumar G.P.
Please use AmigaGuide or MultiView to read this document.
@master hangman.guide
@node main "Hangman.Doc"
@{b}HANGMAN V1.3
(c) 1993 Arun Kumar G.P.@{ub}
_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/
A _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Production
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/
This is the documentation for 'Hangman V1.3', a word guessing game for the
Amiga computer.
@{" Introduction " link intro}
@{" Starting the Game " link startup}
@{" Playing the Game " link execution}
@{" Screen, Buttons & Menus " link layout}
@{" About " link about}
@{" Compatibility, Acknowledgements etc " link misc}
@{" History " link history}
@{" To Do " link todo}
@node intro "Introduction"
Introduction :
This is a game based on the popular *NIX game. The objective of the game
is to guess correctly all the letters of a word in a maximum of 10
A few features of this version of the game :
a. Can use a user supplied data file of words.
b. Both the keyboard and the mouse can be used to guess the words.
c. Can give hints if the user is stuck.
d. Online help in AmigaGuide hypertext format available.
e. Partly supports localization to default to the localized language.
f. Comes with 6 languages including English.
@node startup "Starting the Game"
Startup :
The program can be executed from the WorkBench or from the CLI. It
multitasks properly and runs in its own window.
From the CLI, you can specify the following optional command line
arguments :
PUB/PUBSCREEN = Any available public screen on which to open the
Hangman window. (Note that the name is case sensitive)
If the Public screen is not available, the screen
flashes and the window opens on the Workbench screen.
Defaults to 'Workbench'.
LANG/LANGUAGE = Should be any of the following :
You can also specify the language that Hangman will use.
If not specified or if it is 'default', the Locale
language or English will be used. This is useful if you
don't have Locale (OS 2.1 or greater) or you want to
override the Locale language. The appropriate language
data file will be used.
DATA/DATAFILE = You can also specify your own data file (full path name)
to play with. This overrides any language you have
From the Workbench the same tooltypes are supported. But additionally,
you can also specify a data file by holding the shift key down and clicking
once on the Hangman icon and double clicking on the data file icon. If you
do not specify the data file or the language, it searches for the default
file for that Locale (if supported by the OS) or defaults to searching for
'English.data' in the program's directory. The uppercase equivalents of
the words in the data file will be picked randomly for you to guess. Only
words with characters a-z or A-Z and length less than 30 characters in
size will be used.
@node execution "Playing the Game"
Playing :
You start with a word picked randomly from the data file, all of whose
letters are shown as hyphens (-).
- - - - - (five letters to guess)
If you guess a letter in the word correctly, they are filled in :
A M - - A (two more letters to guess)
You finish the game when you have guessed every letter in the word
or when you have made 10 incorrect guesses.
@node layout "Screens, Buttons and Menus"
The Screen Layout :
- All letters that can be guessed are in the Unused letters box on the
left hand top corner of the window. Once you guess a letter the
corresponding gadget in the Unused letters box will be ghosted. You
can guess a letter either by clicking on the letter button or by typing
the letter on the keyboard.
- Below the Unused letter box is the actual word being guessed.
- On the right hand top corner of the window is the scoreboard which shows
the number of games played, number of games won, percentage of wins,
the percentage accuracy and number of guesses to go before the game ends.
There is also a small picture of a man on the gallows which will be shown
in parts.
- The bottom of the window has the following buttons :
SHOW ALL : If you cannot guess the word and you want to see that word
you can click on this button. The game ends and a new word is
picked from the file for the next game.
HINT : If you are stuck and just want a hint, you can click on this
button. A random letter in the word will be shown and you
can continue to play the game but this won't be counted as a
win when you complete it. If you get hints for all the letters
in the word, a message will come up !!.
HELP : If you have amigaguide.library installed in the LIBS:
directory and this file is in the directory in which the
executable resides, an amigaguide hyper text window with this
document opens to give you online help.
ABOUT : Some details about the program and the author is shown.
EXIT : Quit from the game.
- The Menus :
Game : Show All : Same as the above buttons
Hint : - DO -
Help : - DO -
About : - DO -
Iconize : Closes the window and creates an icon in the
Workbench window. If it is not possible to iconize,
the screen will flash once.
Double click on this icon to reopen the window and
continue playing the previous game.
Exit : Same as the above buttons
Language : This program can select words from different data files which
have words in the following languages.
Language Data File Name Used
-------- -------------------
Deutsch German.data
English English.data
ol Spanish.data
ais French.data
Nederlands Dutch.data
Svenska Swedish.data
If the program is running on OS 2.1 or 3.0 which supports
localization, the program defaults to the Locale language
preference if it is one of the above. It searches for the
data file in the program's directory and if not found then
defaults to 'English.data'. If somebody is willing to do
the translation, all the English messages will be replaced
by the appropriate language messages.
On machines which do not support localization, it always
defaults to 'English.data' but it can be started with a
different language (or data file) or changed later in the
The menu items under this menu option lets you choose the
language you want and the appropriate data file will be
searched for and used. If the program has been started with
a startup data file, the 'Unknown' item will be enabled and
ticked. You can change the language any time you want as long
as the respective data files are present. You do not need to
have all the huge data files which come with this program and
you can have only the ones you play with in the program's
@node about "About"
About :
This is version 1.3 of Hangman. Hangman is copyright
Arun Kumar
1993. See @{" History " link history} for a brief list of changes from previous releases.
This is a shareware program and may be freely distributed, as long as
all parts of the original distribution are kept intact. No profit may
be made out of this program. Only a small fee for the copying and/or
the price of the media is allowed. All use is at your own risk.
No liability or responsibility is assumed.
If you use it regularly please send 5 US Dollars or equivalent to the
address given below. Bug Reports and feedbacks are also welcome.
Arun Kumar
27, Durand Road,
Earley, Reading RG6 2YU
United Kingdom.
(Until May 1994)
My permanent address is
Arun Kumar
174/5C, 10th Cross,
Third Block, T.R. Nagar,
Bangalore 560028
(But I am not sure whether I will be here after May 94, but any
correspondence will reach me after some time)
This distribution of Hangman consists of the following files which must
remain together and be intact:
Hangman <dir>
@node misc "Compatibility, Acknowledgements etc."
Miscellaneous :
Hardware and Software Used :
Amiga 1200 HD, Additional Disk Drive and an old T.V.
GadToolsBox V2.0B
SAS C 6.3
VI editor (Yes! on the Amiga, I can't do without it)
Compatibility :
This program will run only on Amigas with Workbench 2.0 and above. It
has not been tested on the Amiga 4000 (Big bucks!) but I am sure there
won't be any problems. It also requires the asl.library and optionally
amigaguide.library to be in the LIBS: directory. The data file(s) for
the program should also be present in the same directory as the program.
Acknowledgements :
The interface for this program was inspired by a similar one which I saw
running on MS Windows 3.1 for the IBM PC.
Thanks to
- Tom De Voeght (my pal on Internet and Beta Tester)
- Members of WECC (for their support)
- Nico Francais (for his Powerpacker group of utilities)
- Jan van den Baard (for his excellent GadToolsBox)
- Anders Bjerin (for the C Encyclopedia)
- Bram Moolenaar (for the VI editor)
- and to the Amiga, the best Computer I have ever worked on.
- All other Copyrights acknowledged.
The data files were downloaded from 'ftp.denet.dk' (thanks to TDV) and
modified a bit. If you want more words or languages to play around with,
you can FTP from /pub/mirror1/wordlists directory in the above site.
@node history "History"
History :
24/10/93 V1.0 First working version.
30/10/93 V1.1 Added the small picture of the man on the gallows.
07/11/93 V1.2 Added Menus and support for 5 more languages. Included
the data files to go with it. Also added 'Accuracy'.
First public release (Aminet)
11/12/93 V1.3 Two bugs in display fixed : (Stupid of me !!)
The Word to be guessed and the Image of the man were not
being positioned correctly when other fonts were being
Bands of colour appeared on the man in screens with more
than 4 colours.
Added Iconize menu option.
Can now open on any user specified Public Screen.
Second Aminet release.
@node todo "To Do"
To Do:
a. Add different levels of play
b. Support and include more data files in other languages.
c. Support Powerpacked data files to save some space.
d. Support localization fully with all messages and gadgets shown in
different languages.
Is anybody willing to do the translation ? If so please send me an
E-Mail or write to me.
e. Add sound samples.
- Do you have any more ideas ?
All this will be done, if I get a good response for this version. Other-
wise what is the point in me wasting my time on a program which people
do not support.